New project set to rename public spaces bearing names of colonial officers as Dakar distances itself from France.
The Senegalese government is seeking to redefine its long-standing relationship with its former colonial rulers, the French, ...
The British Empire stretched over 13 million square miles across several continents—23 percent of the world's land—at its height in 1922, whence comes the phrase: "The sun never sets on the ...
The Architecture of Empire: France in India and Southeast Asia, 1664-1962 by Gauvin A. Bailey McGill-Queen’s University Press 2022. 488 pp. (cloth), ISBN 978-0-228-01142-2 Reviewed by Rachael Maxon ...
Dakar, Senegal – On a weekday at Dakar’s open-air Fass Market, traders call out in a rhythmic buzz as some buyers approach from a nearby major highway: Boulevard du General de Gaulle, a road ...
The northern city of Saint Louis, or Ndar in the predominant Wolof language, is renowned for its pastel-coloured colonial houses and was the capital of French West Africa until 1902.