In full-time or part-time work in the UK? You could double the consecutive days you're able to take off this year. But don't ...
Here's a fun Valentine's Day-themed freebie for the person you don't want to Lego of... or maybe it's just Lego you love. Either way, you've the chance to build your own Lego botanical heart at its in ...
This week on the MSE Forum, MoneySavers have been pondering the definition of 'cooking from scratch'. Does making a pie with ready-roll pastry count? And is it sometimes worth spending more to make ...
Streaming music isn't cheap, but this new Apple Music offer can take a big bite out of the cost. If you've never subscribed to Apple Music before and you own an iPhone, iPad or Mac, here's how you can ...
Since 2020 MSE Kit has discovered a hobby that's helped him keep fit, learn things, make new friends and spend more time outdoors. And considering all these benefits, this hobby costs him relatively ...
If you're a Zing user, you should spend, move or withdraw your funds before it shuts down on 22 May 2025. It's unclear if you'll still be able to access your cash after this deadline, so it's best to ...
An online tool to apply for Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is still not available despite being announced over a year ago – and the Government has confirmed that it doesn't have a launch date. This ...
If you click a link with an * to go through to a provider, we may get paid. This usually only happens if you get a product from it. This is what funds our team of journalists, and keeps us free to use ...
This week on the MSE Forum has been all about domestic conundrums: dealing with pests, managing the recycling bin, keeping the garden path safe and how to heat water for that all-important cuppa. Read ...
The WWT (Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust) manage 10 wetland reserves in the UK, which normally cost up to £18 per ticket to visit, but you can claim a totally FREE ticket to visit on any day from Friday 31 ...
How this site works We think it's important you understand the strengths and limitations of the site. We're a journalistic website and aim to provide the best MoneySaving guides, tips, tools and ...