The footage of the transfer of the three female Israeli hostages to the ICRC showed them in "full physical and psychological health," as to the footage of Palestinian prisoners who showed "visible signs of neglect and exhaustion," Hamas said in an official statement on Monday."This starkly highlights the profound contrast between the values and ethics of the resistance and the brutality and fascism of the occupation," the terrorist group added.
The ICRC said they were in good health. Previous reporting by USA TODAY established that "many" of the Israeli female hostages who were released in an earlier Israel-Hamas truce, in November 2023 ...
Emily Damari is one of three women released, the first of 33 hostages due to be let go under the terms of the ceasefire
The Palestinian resistance group Hamas handed over three Israeli captives to the Red Cross on Sunday as part of the initial phase of a ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement in Gaza.
On Saturday, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) announced that it is preparing for a significant operation following the ceasefire
A long-awaited ceasefire has started in Gaza following a three-hour delay, bringing respite to the besieged enclave after a bloody 15 months. Follow for live updates.
"Hamas has not given us any indication" that ... shelter and fuel. The UN and ICRC say they are preparing to scale up their aid operations for when the ceasefire takes effect.
From CNN's Tamar Michaelis in Tel Aviv The Israeli military has confirmed that Hamas has handed over three hostages to the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza. “The Red ...
Three released hostages give first testimonies • Released hostages reunite with their mothers after 471 days in captivity • No immediate medical attention needed | Page 7 of 8
The handover of hostages to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is underway, a Hamas official told Reuters on Sunday. Mediator Qatar says Gaza ceasefire begins: Statement
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has expressed its readiness to manage all aspects of a prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas.