SOME OF THOSE PEOPLE WILL BE LONG TIME CHICKEN OWNERS ... has been studying the avian flu for years. He said with prices reaching almost a dollar an egg, investing in a backyard flock might ...
Scientists suspect the highly pathogenic strain of bird flu has killed ducks, geese, swans, owls and eagles. The Michigan ...
HPAI spreads easily among birds and – while rare – can spread from birds to people. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and ...
Maurice Pitesky, an associate professor at the U.C. Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, said with prices reaching almost a dollar an egg, investing in a backyard flock might actually save money in ...
The high prices are attributed to the spread of Avian Flu. Tom Tabler, Poultry Specialist with the UT Animal Science Department, says backyard chickens are very popular not only in Tennessee ...
Zoetis received a USDA conditional license for its H5N2 avian flu vaccine for chickens, marking a step in addressing the ...
A major West Michigan egg producer is calling for the vaccination of egg-laying hens to protect against the bird flu. (Feb.