A recent modeling study has identified risk factors predictive of good and bad outcomes in non-diabetic CKD, such as gender, ...
LG AI Research will collaborate with a Seoul National University (SNU) professor team to develop an artificial intelligence ...
The AI-driven predictive model is expected to interpret combined data from CT scans, clinical risk factors, and demographic ...
LG AI Research, in partnership with Seoul National University, is developing a model to predict multistate protein structures.
Trust in AI is a crucial determinant of its integration into clinical practice. The study measured clinician trust levels and found a strong correlation between trust and agreement with AI ...
Beyond improving accuracy, xAI allowed researchers to compare prognostic markers across different cancer types, unveiling ...
In the field of biopharmaceuticals, every technological innovation has the potential to revolutionize treatment strategies. Sanyou Bio's Intelligent Hundred-Trillion Molecule Library (AI-STAL) has ...
A farmer notices an unfamiliar insect on a leaf. Is this a pollinator? Or a pest? Good news at harvest time? Or bad? Need to ...
That farmer can snap a picture, use a smartphone or computer to feed the photo into a web-based application called InsectNet ...
In an unprecedented milestone, Decima Technologies has successfully developed more than 1,000 ASI models, setting a new ...
Utilising Machine Learning on clinical datasets could help to crack the enigma of feline infectious peritonitis diagnosis ...