The purpose of the strip is to keep them as perpetual refugees waging a forever war on Israel.
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You need Green Left, and we need you! Green Left is funded by contributions from readers and supporters. Help us reach our funding target. Make a One-off Donation or choose from one of our Monthly ...
A liberal protester voiced her anger at President Donald Trump's inauguration with a 'Free Palestine' chant during the ceremony on0. Footage captured by Laura Loomer shows the activist making obscene ...
This will not include 20 prisoners who will be sent into exile outside Palestine. The prison advocacy group also published a list of the names and ages of the prisoners to be released, which ...
It is imperative that Palestinians and their supporters continue exposing the truth about Israel’s war crimes, illegal occupation, and ethnic cleansing operations, until Palestine is free and ...
Top 10 Earn $126 Million Unauthorized Sports Streaming Sites Closed After Crackdown “I tweeted Free Palestine,” Howard said during a recent podcast appearance on The Gauds Show podcast.
If the deal is seen through, Ahmad said he wants to see a free Palestine. “We want to see an end to the occupation, we want to see the siege lifted, we want to see freedom and prosperity for ...
Pro-Palestine activists have admitted breaking into and damaging the headquarters of a company that makes aircraft ejection seats. Palestine Action claimed Buckinghamshire-based aircraft firm ...