Zum 25. Mal sucht der Behinderten-Sportverband Niedersachsen die Sportlerin oder den Sportler des Jahres. Die Wahl beginnt an diesem Freitag. Wir zeigen, welche sechs Kandidaten nominiert und welche P ...
From transgender athletes to school vouchers, assault weapons to a legal cannabis market, issues sidelined in this session ...
A new bill filed Wednesday by GOP newcomer Rep. Wyatt Gable would have major impacts on early voting in North Carolina if ...
Jefferson Griffin has challenged thousands of ballots cast by North Carolina voters in 2024 as he seeks to be named the ...
Café Mom, second Wednesday of every month, 2-3:30 p.m. at the Massad Family YMCA. Open to the community. Meet other moms of all stages and ages. Cost $10. Refreshments and child care provided.
Hinter ihr liegt ein tolles Jahr, das neue beginnt sie mit einer tollen Leistung und einem wahren Nominierungsmarathon: Warum ...
Commissioner George previously denied that there was an ongoing investigation against him and declined to answer any ...
Auf dem Spielplatz werden Freundschaften geknüpft und Kräfte werden gemessen. Wettkampf und auch Neid finden auf dem Spielplatz statt. Im Verlauf des Lebens ändern sich die Aufgaben, die das Leben ...
This year, under pressure from conservative House Republicans, the GOP is planning to include substantial cuts in federal spending to the legislation to extend the tax cuts passed during Trump’s ...
House GOP leaders are struggling to coalesce behind a budget blueprint that will mark the first step toward delivering Trump’s agenda, as some hardliners demanded hundreds of billions more in ...
The House nearly unanimously passed a bill to ban “sanctuary city” policies in the state Thursday, after Democrats sided with ...