The City of Shibam Yemen. Yemen reveals a centuries-old architectural marvel rising from desert soil, showcasing the ...
Africa is broken. It is being dissected by the famous East African Rift which extends over a length of 5000 km along the eastern side of Africa and seems poised to destroy Africa as we know it.
Current local time in Aden (Asia/Aden timezone). Get information about the Asia/Aden time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in all ...
The result was excavation of the crater and deposition of layered deposits that record the history of water here. After a few days at Kilbourne Hole, we visited Aden Crater, where lava flows piled up ...
Hans Grundberg, the United Nations special envoy for Yemen, welcomed the “heartwarming” reports that the Houthis had “put an end to the arbitrary detention” of the ship’s crew for 14 months.
United States President Donald Trump has set in motion a process to redesignate Yemen’s Houthis as a “foreign terrorist organisation”, the White House has said. Trump’s executive order ...
President Trump on Wednesday directed his administration to relist the Houthis in Yemen as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) in an effort to crack down on the Iranian-backed militant group.
The Houthis have released the crew of the Galaxy Leader 14 months after seizing the vessel off the western coast of Yemen, according to a media report on Wednesday. The Bahamas-flagged vessel ...
GENEVA - Operations at a Red Sea port in Yemen used for aid imports have fallen to about a quarter of its capacity, a UN official said on Tuesday, adding it was not certain that a Gaza ceasefire ...