The purpose of the strip is to keep them as perpetual refugees waging a forever war on Israel.
You need Green Left, and we need you! Green Left is funded by contributions from readers and supporters. Help us reach our funding target. Make a One-off Donation or choose from one of our Monthly ...
You need Green Left, and we need you! Green Left is funded by contributions from readers and supporters. Help us reach our funding target. Make a One-off Donation or choose from one of our Monthly ...
Pro-Palestine activists have admitted breaking into and damaging the headquarters of a company that makes aircraft ejection seats. Palestine Action claimed Buckinghamshire-based aircraft firm ...
Palestinians will mark this year the 77th anniversary of their mass expulsion from what is now Israel. It's an event that is ...
A bell tower and chapel will be built within Pine Grove’s Spiritual Grounds. The grounds were created to give people a peaceful environment. Pine Grove employees and board members said it was ...
In West Bank, Israel denies Jenin families right to bury loved ones at home As Israel kills dozens of Palestinians in Jenin, it also denies victims’ families the dignity to bury their loved ones ...
The Palestine Chronicle is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the general public by providing a forum that strives to highlight issues of relevance to human rights, national ...
Freed Palestinian detainee Zakaria Al-Zubaidi said it was time for Israel's occupation of the West Bank to end so Palestinians could have a state of their own, while declining to comment on his time ...
The fourth exchange of captives for prisoners comes as 50 Palestinians due to leave through reopened Rafah border crossing for medical treatment abroad.
The best free password managers are the perfect way to manage your credentials and keep your account secure without having to splash out for a premium service. These services offer the bare ...